Welcome to the 8th edition of the

Summer School on Advanced Research in Turbomachinery

Welcome to the 8th edition of the Summer School on Advanced Research in Turbomachinery, organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Florence.

The School is aimed at providing engineering professionals and young researchers with an overview on both the most relevant issues in turbomachinery research and the current trends in turbomachinery design and analysis.

For each topic, the current state of the art is presented from a theoretical and a technical point of view. Concrete examples of applied research are presented, with special focus on the latest developments and breakthrough technologies.


The School
ART2024 is the seventh edition of the Summer School on Advanced Research in Turbomachinery that will be held from July 8th to July 12th, 2024. Since the beginning, the purpose of ART is to provide participants with an overview of advanced topics related to turbomachinery engineering.

The Summer school is organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF) of the University of Florence, which has a long and recognized experience in the main disciplines related to applied research on turbomachinery such as aerodynamics, turbulence, heat transfer, acoustics, two-phase flows and combustion. Applications to gas turbines, wind turbines, steam turbines, pumps and compressors and their components will be addressed in the different lectures. Although ART2024 mainly deals with numerical modelling, experimental methods and measurements techniques are also considered with some significant tracks.


Professors and researchers of DIEF will be the instructors of the Summer School. Keynote lectures held by international experts from both academia and industry will also be offered: keynote speakers for ART2024 will be:


Dr. Florent Duchaine CERFACS (F)
Prof. Lorenzo Ferrari University of Pisa (I)
Dr. Rainer Koch Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (D)
Prof. Sergio Lavagnoli VKI (B)

Prof. Giacomo Persico

Politecnico di Milano (I)  
Dr. Antonio D’Ettole AvioAero (I)  


Each talk will be composed of a brief overview of the background, quickly moving to show cutting‑edge aspects of the described topics. Relevance will be given to the activities developed in European research programs in the last 15 years.

ART2024 is mainly directed to PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and personnel from industry. It can be also considered of interest to anyone, working in the turbomachinery field, interested in improving her/his knowledge. To facilitate attendance, the School will be organized with both plenary and parallel sessions. Certificate of attendance will be released to all participants, while official ECTS will be released to PhD students only.


To support fellows participation, 8 scholarships (550€ each – covering entirely the early bird registration) will be made available to deserving applicants. To apply for the scholarship, each applicant should send an email no later than May15th 2024 to art.summerschool@dief.unifi.it with the CV (including personal data, track record and scientific publications – if any) in attachment. Candidatures will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the school, which will inform about the results no later than May 30th 2024, so to allow recipients to exploit the early bird fee.



-The School will address the most relevant advances in the field of Turbomachinery research, including:

– Turbomachinery aerodynamics
– Aeroelasticity and aeroacoustics
– Optimization and Machine Learning methods
– Heat transfer and cooling
– Two-phase flows
– Radial machinery and turbochargers
– Uncertainty quantification
– Wind energy
– Multi-scale and multi-physics modelling
– Gas Turbine combustion
– Hydraulic machines

Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Antonio Andreini
  • Prof. Alessandro Bianchini
  • Prof. Michele Marconcini
  • Prof. Simone Salvadori
  • Dr. Tommaso Bacci
  • Dr. Lorenzo Pinelli

Scientific Committee

  • Dr. F. Duchaine
  • Prof. L. Ferrari
  • Dr. R. Koch
  • Prof. S. Lavagnoli
  • Prof. G. Persico


  • Prof. Andrea Arnone – University of Florence (IT)
  • Prof. Bruno Facchini – University of Florence (IT)
  • Prof. Giampaolo Manfrida – University of Florence (IT)


Under the auspices of

auspices no scritta




With the support of